365 Wildlife and Pest Control – Myrtle Beach, SC

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Fly Pest Control in Myrtle Beach

Do you have flies on your property in the Myrtle Beach area? Flies can be one of the most irritating pests to have in your home. If you leave a door or window open just a second too long during the spring or summer months, these bugs can get inside, buzzing around your kitchen and being a real nuisance. 

Thankfully, 365 Wildlife and Pest Control can help. We offer fly control treatments for all types of house flies, including fruit flies and drain flies, and we can treat both the inside and outside of your home, keeping you free of these nuisance insects. Contact us today for the best fly control treatments in Myrtle Beach today!

flies image

Common Types of Flies in Myrtle Beach

When it comes to species of fly you might deal with in Myrtle Beach, there are three main culprits: the fruit fly, the drain fly, and the house fly. But what are the differences between these three flies? 

The fruit fly is named for their attraction to dead and rotting fruit. If you’ve ever left a bowl of fruit out on the counter, you might have spotted these flies buzzing around the bowl after a few days. Fruit flies are small, about 1/8th of an inch long, with tan colored bodies and dark red eyes.  

The drain fly will often be found buzzing around and inside drains. If you’ve spotted flies exiting the drain in your kitchen, these bugs are most likely the culprit as they are known to breed and lay eggs inside drains of sinks. These flies are a grayish color and covered in fuzz, similar to moths. 

The house fly is the most common species you might find in your home. These flies are notorious for transmitting the most diseases. House flies will crawl around sewers, pet feces, carrion and more, so when they land on your food, they can transmit plenty of bacteria and diseases like choleratularemiatyphoid fever, etc. This species is dark gray and a bit larger than drain and fruit flies, coming in at around 1/4th of an inch.

fruit fly
Fruit Fly
drain fly
Drain Fly
house fly
House Fly

Indoor Fly Control

Flies can make their way inside the home through several avenues. They will easily fly in through open doors and windows, they can crawl inside through improperly sealed doors and windows, and they can even enter through sewage and drainage lines.

Indoor fly infestations can be a serious nuisance, as these flies will buzz around your kitchen and spread harmful bacteria. 365 Wildlife and Pest Control offers the best in indoor fly control in the Myrtle Beach area. We will inspect your home, identify the type of fly you are dealing with, and offer a specialized treatment plan suited specifically to fit your needs.

Our expert technicians can also offer advice on how to prevent fly infestations in the future, and we can install preventative measures like seal outs on your doors and windows.  

Outdoor Fly Control

Flies can also become a real nuisance outdoors, when you are trying to spend time in your yard. Flies will congregate around trash cans, buzz around any food or drinks you might enjoy, and they are also known to irritate pets.

While one or two flies in the yard is not a big deal, large numbers of flies congregating around the outside of your home can indicate a deeper issue. Thankfully, 365 Wildlife and Pest Control offers the best outdoor fly control treatments in the Myrtle Beach area.

Our technicians will thoroughly inspect your property and devise a plan of action to get your fly problem under control, formatted specifically for your exact situation. If the flies have been drawn to your property because of a dead animal, we also offer dead animal removal which will aid in removing the flies in your yard.   

Contact Us – 365 Wildlife and Pest Control

Best Fly Control Company Near Me

Fly infestations can be a real problem, not only are these insects a nuisance, but they can also carry and spread diseases and harmful bacteria. Thankfully, 365 Wildlife and Pest Control can help, we offer the best in fly pest control in the Myrtle Beach area. We can take care of any species of fly that is bothering you, whether it be fruit flies, drain flies, house flies, or more. We offer fly pest control treatments for both the inside and outside of your home, so you can be sure that your property is protected.

Call now at 843-438-6816 or fill out the contact form on our website to get started. We look forward to working with you!