365 Wildlife and Pest Control – Myrtle Beach, SC

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Flea and Tick Pest Control in Myrtle Beach

365 Wildlife and Pest Control offers the best flea and tick pest control in the Myrtle Beach area. Fleas and ticks are both parasites that feed on blood, and they are both commonly spread by pets like dogs and cats. Most people associate flea and tick control with a yearly medicine they can give to their pets, and while that does help, sometimes your home or yard can be overrun with these parasites. Thankfully, 365 Wildlife and Pest Control can help.

We offer room by room flea treatments inside the home to rid your house of these skin-irritating pests, and we offer outdoor tick treatments to prevent these disease-spreading arachnids from latching onto you or your pets while you enjoy time in your yard. Our licensed technicians can eliminate the population of these irritating pests and give you peace of mind again, call us today! 

flea treatment

Fleas vs Ticks

While fleas and ticks are both parasites that feed on blood, they have key differences between them that allow you to tell which one is on your property. Fleas are tiny, brown insects, around 1/8th of an inch long, with strong back legs for jumping and sharp mouths and claws to dig into the host’s flesh and stay attached so they can feed. Fleas are known to lay up to 50 eggs at a time, building up large populations in the fur of animals like dogs or cats, as well as inside pet bedding and anywhere else inside the home. Fleas might bite a human, but they vastly prefer the blood of animals. 

Meanwhile, ticks are arachnids who love the humid climate of Myrtle Beach and are not picky about hosts, attaching themselves to both humans and pets. Tick infestations are typically noticed quicker before they can spiral out of control like flea infestations will. While fleas cause itchy bites and can spread infectious diseases, (fleas were partly responsible for the Black Plague), ticks can also spread serious illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Ticks will strike when you are outside, stealthily attaching themselves to you or your pet, then feeding on the blood of their host for days.

tick two
flea one
tick one

Professional Flea Infestation Treatment in Home

Fleas almost exclusively enter the home on domestic animals like dogs and cats, so the most important step you can take to prevent flea infestations is to regularly groom your pets and provide them with topical flea treatments to protect them against these pests. Regular vacuuming and cleaning of pet bedding can also aid in stopping a flea infestation in its tracks.

However, if you already have a flea infestation inside your home, don’t fret, 365 Wildlife and Pest Control can help. Fleas are tiny and they rarely bite humans, so a flea infestation can fly under the radar until the population is massive and hard to control. Flea treatments are done indoors, as the infestation is almost always just within the home. Our licensed technicians will treat your home room-by-room, hitting the highest-trafficked areas and eliminating the entire flea population.

Once the population is eliminated, we can also offer preventative treatments that can aid flea medicine in preventing a population from taking hold. The expert technicians at 365 Wildlife and Pest Control will determine options during an inspection, and work with you on the best treatment plan for your specific situation.

Pest Control for Ticks in the Yard

Ticks are very stealthy, and will attach themselves to you and your dog while you are outside, especially in wooded areas or areas with tall grass. The best way to prevent ticks is by giving your dog a topical tick medicine, and by carefully examining yourself and your dog before you enter your house after you have been in the woods, hiking, or anywhere else where you might have been exposed to ticks.

However, ticks can build up a population inside your yard, and continue to re-enter your home on both you and your pets. This is where 365 Wildlife and Pest Control comes in. As opposed to fleas treatments, tick treatments are done outdoors. We can spray for ticks in your yard, eliminating the population of these parasites and protecting you and your family from tick bites and the transmission of tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease.

Contact Us – 365 Wildlife and Pest Control

Best Flea and Tick Exterminator Near Me

Fleas and ticks can inflict painful, itchy bites and they can also spread diseases like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. 365 Wildlife and Pest Control can help, we offer room by room indoor treatments to eliminate the fast-breeding flea populations in your home, and we also offer outdoor tick treatments to eliminate any of the sneaky arachnids that might be waiting in your backyard to attach themselves to you and your pets. While the best method of prevention is flea and tick medicine for your pets, we can also offer preventative treatments for fleas and ticks inside and outside the home. Contact us today at (843) 438-6816 or fill out a contact form!